Academic Support
Made up of six unique, but integrated hubs, The Teaching + Learning Commons provides comprehensive academic support for students. Services provided by the Academic Achievement, Experiential Learning, and Writing Hubs empower students to take control of their education, helping them to develop essential skills for learning across disciplines and enabling them to achieve their full potential.
Academic Support at the Teaching + Learning Commons
Content Tutoring
Content Tutoring helps undergraduate students advance their own success by offering personalized support with course-specific learning skills and strategies. Learn more here.
Learning Strategies Appointments and Canvas site
Learning Strategies appointments and Canvas site can help students learn better and get the most out of studying through research-based metacognitive learning techniques.
Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Writing Support
Summer Success Programs
Summer Success Programs are offered to enhance and bolster UC San Diego students' success. Learn more.
Campus Student Support Services
Academic Integrity Office
Computing and Digital Media Resources
Digital Media Lab in Geisel Library provides a space for media creation and editing. Capabilities include 3D printing, video & sound editing, media-rich website creation, etc.
Instructional Technology Services (ITS) offers several services to UC San Diego students, which include: managing your email, Google apps, course podcasts, P2P file-sharing software resources for students, and locating campus virtual computing labs, and more.
Online Courses UC San Diego offers multiple opportunities for online learning through the Teaching + Learning Commons' Digital Learning Hub.
Podcasts of UCSD Lectures Podcasts can be a great study tool to learn lecture material. Listen to podcasts of your UC San Diego courses.
VPN Connection To access UCSD restricted content, such as shared drives and electronic library materials, connect via the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Library Services
In addition to being a great place to study, the UCSD Library has a wealth of academic resources for students! Here are just a few many helpful options available to students:
- Course Guides
- Subject Guides
- Ask a Librarian chat service (available 24/7)
Connect to UCSD when off-campus via Web VPN
You can also find the Teaching + Learning Commons located on the lower level of Geisel Library.